
I build things for the web.

Davao, Philippines


As a web developer, I find learning about web technologies to be fun, challenging, and rewarding.

Currently, I'm in my third year of college pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology.


Anime recommendation web-app that suggests animes based on your already fave animes

ReactFirebaseDaisy UIPWAjikan API

A static Library website

SvelteSvelteKitDaisy UI

Fingerprint based attendance system that generates Daily Time Record

JavaJavaFXMySQLDigital Persona API



The personal portfolio website that you are currently on



what others say • as seen on

  • Excellent work, creative and prompt and clear communication. Great work!
    johncipolla United States
  • Neqxy was able to make my requested effect change in a very short time, and it is exactly what I was searching for! I will continue to go to them for their skill and customer focus!
    badh54 Hamlet
  • Happy to work with. He help me a lot again, even this time it will have a many revision but he did great.
    kamisamahateme Thailand
  • Neqxy is seriously my favorite producer on this app! I’ve worked with about 6 different people but keep coming back to this gig! Thank you so much for the amazing work!
    freefreegeel Philippines


Skilled with

Actively learning

More about me

Before being introduced into the world of development, I am fond of graphic design and developed an eye for design, although design is very subjective.

I also produce and write music specializing in EDM with songs featured on Spotify and Apple Music Editorial playlists.

Let's Talk

Got a project in mind? I'm eager to collaborate on exciting new ventures. Reach out and let's bring your vision to life!

Built with SvelteKit